Labor Day Weekend Blast

Just when you think the good times couldn’t better...

The show this weekend went well, this time with Sasha as our guest performer. The night before Marci and I went to Twin for the state fair and watched the rodeo. Man those guys are CRAZY!!! I mean think about it. What was the first guy on when he thought to himself... “hmmm...why don’t I hope on that mean looking bull, give him a swift smack on the butt to really get him angry and see how long I can ride him.” Yeah, I prefer to be the modern day cowboy...a Harley man.

Then the next two days, Sun and Monday, we went on the boat with Rich at Redfish. A good time was had by all! The picture above is J.J. from the week before who managed to get up on the surf board for the first time. It cracks me up because he was so shaky getting up and all of a sudden he smoothed out and gave us the pose above.

I now have my last shows this weekend, one on Saturday and a private show for St. Clair Oil, then back home.

Till later,



End of Sun Valley...


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