Surfing Boise

What an amazing time!!!! This last show we had guest skater Todd Eldridge who is a really good guy to hang with. A professional through and through, he performed well and received a warm welcome to SV. Afterwards, I took off to Boise to meet up with my good buddy Ryan Gilbert and Rich Reese. I was introduced to wake surfing and wake skating (?) for the first time. You surf the wake on a huge surf board and a smaller board that has no bindings. Rich’s boat I guess didn’t have the proper wake that would allow for surfing without the rope, but I had a BLAST anyway!!! Got up each time with no problem. Earlier in the week SV had a fashion show, which highlights clothing from local stores. The adult coffee club has a wonderful woman named Marie. This year she came out to visit but was unable to skate for some health reasons, but that didn’t keep her out of the show! As you can see I dressed the roll of her skating butler and had a great time!

Till the next adventure!



Heating Things Up


Harley Mamma in Sun Valley!!!